嘉賓 Guest
| Richard Crosbie
品牌 Brand
| Richardcrosbie_art
Richard is a Welsh artist who has lived in Hong Kong for nearly 30 years. Despite having been in Hong Kong for a long time, it was revealed in an interview that, like most Hong Kong residents, it was the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic five years ago that gave him the opportunity to truly get to know Hong Kong. This allowed him to step away from his daily work routine, pick up his sketchbook again, and embark on a journey to explore the land of Hong Kong.

Bonny Yuen, commonly known as Master Yuen, founded Yuen’s Tailor Studio in Hong Kong, specialising in bespoke suits and Scottish kilts. This time, we have the privilege to interview Master Yuen, sharing stories about his tailoring career and how he embodies the spirit of dedication and passion of Hong Kong craftsmen.

Kongcept was established by three individuals born in the 1990s in Hong Kong, which aims to promote Hong Kong’s local culture and preserve its unique values.

一個熱愛音樂的Busker。今次透過訪問,了解音樂在她的生活所扮演的角色,以及作為一個香港本地Busker 對音樂的看法與感受。